Punjab’s Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz, has announced plans for a free motorbike initiative for girls, encouraging parents to have confidence in their daughters’ capabilities. She unveiled this program at the conclusion of the inaugural Chief Minister Pink Games event. Additionally, she introduced the upcoming Punjab League, expected to engage a massive one million participants.

During the event, she welcomed the Korean Ambassador, Park Kijun, with the aim of exploring collaboration opportunities in sectors like electronics, automobiles, and information technology.

Emphasizing Punjab’s potential for investment in agriculture and mining, the CM aims to improve crop yields per acre by leveraging Korean expertise.

Furthermore, she inaugurated the newly refurbished Shahdara metro bus station and announced a significant budget allocation of Rs200 billion for the Lahore Waste Management Company, aiming to enhance solid waste management efforts across Punjab.

Expressing sympathy for the victims of contaminated food in Tandlianwala, she has requested a detailed report from the Inspector General of Police regarding the incident.

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